Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Most Loved or Loathed?

Ewa-Marine Underwater Housings

Having been into serious amateur photography for many years, there are a few heated debates that will never be resolved. What you must remember is that "most" of the opinions that are derisive or are extremely spiteful, is that after reading their remarks and even when challenged in forums - you just have to know that these guys are usually hard-headed, think that their recommendation is the proper solution for everyone and they LOVE hearing themselves talk. They can never muster a reply more than "I had one and lost my $2500 camera in it" or some other one sentence fragment which shows any thoughtful person, that they have never even owned one or they wouldn't make such a remark.

On the other side of this line are the cheerful folks, who despite the fact that a few arrogant, social climbing posts, really don't amount to anything more than one person's opinion. And, I guess everyone knows that opinions are like ***holes, everybody has one. The neutral or positive reviewers will usually cite cameras used, model numbers of camera and accessory, and get a bit in-depth about their experiences with the product. You can tell at a glance, that they indeed trusted, the nearly 40 years of experience that the manufacturer has, (the inventors of the flexible housing), and don't ignore that they have been producing them for a global market and are happy to the tune of $1000 to $5000 in savings, which they folded up and inserted back in their pocket when they finally took the plunge.

So what am I writing about? The ewa-marine waterproof camera housing of course! They were invented in 1970 - have withstood the test of time and have stood head and shoulders above/against all knock-offs and other self proclaimed heirs to the throne. Sorry Aquapac, Drypak, Dicapac - you guys have a long way to go (other than spending fortunes in marketing ploys) to keep up with an Ewa-Marine product! Whether it's an all purpose case, cell phone case, hurricane hood or a video or digital camera, Ewa makes a housing for you. No cheap, stenciled, paint jobs or trendy marketing jargon can derail the Ewa-Marine juggernaut. It is, bar none, the best of all flexible underwater camera cases (housings).

Ewa housings have been custom fitted to match the cameras in their corporate fitting guides and sport neutral, hardened, optical grade glass in their front lens ports. Try Plexiglas from Aquapac which will scuff, nick and become cloudy in a short time. Not as short as their sometimes-still-uncured paint jobs they are so proud of applying to their products - these come back returned for a replacement or refund.

Ewa-Marine housings and waterproof cases went to the Gulf War and our latest conflict in the Middle East. Carried by Special Ops groups for their light weight, durability (with proper care) and picture quality. They delivered time and time again, protecting expensive gear from water, sand and all sorts of grit while remaining lightweight and highly portable. Meanwhile as they are cleaned, dried and stored away, the precious photographs have already been whisked away by secure channels to Operations Groups "in country", in the States and probably to areas of the Pentagon. They are used by Navy Seals, Green Berets and other elite fighting groups - they've got to be good!

So all of you guys with the bumper sticker "Whoever dies with the most toys wins", just keep spending several thousand for a comparable housing that is large, heavy by comparison, awkward when out of water, and is a royal pain in the butt to set up and use. And, just keep spouting off about your imaginations of an ewa-marine calamity. I'll spend $200 on an Ewa-Marine housing and never look back!

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