Friday, February 15, 2008

Your Favorite Water Sport?

Which Water Sport Do you Prefer

My favorite is snorkeling and that finished 5th in a recent poll I saw. If snorkeling is an "A" then snorkeling combined with underwater photography would be my "A+". I love the opportunities I get for great and unusual pictures when cruising along, lazily cruising around a reef or man made structure with my compact camera, snug in a waterproof digital camera case. You never know what's going to pop up next. What you do know is that it is going to be cool and curious and worthy of a few shots.

My compact digital camera is a 4 megapixel Canon and the shutter speed can be a tad slower than some of the larger digital slr cameras, but I only have $389 invested in it and it has paid for itself in hundreds of normal photos and now there isn't much worry about drowning it or humidity and all of the fears that most photographers have about submerging their high end cameras in the water.

Just so you know BTW, #1 was "tubing" followed by "scuba diving", "swimming", (my choice snorkeling), "kayaking" and "surfing" at the bottom of the poll! Surfing is probably the most popular and there's wakeboarding, and body boarding. My gut instincts is that this poll is skewed in some way. Or, perhaps given to a class of Jr. High Schoolers in a Midwest State to come up with those results.

Whatever your favorite water sport, I assure you that there are many more people than you think that are into it as well. So enjoy and stay safe - always go into the water with a partner!

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