Many people look for an Ewa-Marine Housing which provides 100% waterproof protection to the camera or camcorder that they need protected. Many of these people never consider the use of the Ewa-Marine Rain Cape or Hurricane Hood which is what many really need.
The rain cape is made specifically for protection against rain, surf splash and foul weather photography. They weigh in at about 1/2 the price as a submersible housing but offer the kind of protection that many people are looking for. The have an easy access opening to place your camera inside and use snaps or Velcro to seal them up.
If you want to protect your digital camera or larger DSLR format cameras, they may be the answer for your needs. Check out the C-AF100 pictured above. It accommodates cameras using a 77mm filter-thread size and by using an available adapter, you can go as low as 52mm through 72mm by screwing a thin adapter ring to your smaller lenses.
An adapter is also sold separately for use with an 82mm lens/filter thread sized setup. They're light, affordable, easily portable and highly mobile covers. Check one out!
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