Friday, April 27, 2007

Big Wave Surfing!

Bring Your Board - Surf's UP!

At a glance, from HI:

Pete Cabrinha had ridden big waves before, but as he surfed down the face of a giant wave over the notorious Jaws reef at Maui, Hawaii, last January, he just kept going and going..... "It was growing in front of me and growing behind me, so it felt like I wasn't getting anywhere," Pete recalled. There had already been 10 "bone crushing" wipeouts that morning. There are several still pics of the ride (not included) but shot in the calm water with a waterproof digital slr camera case.

When Pete Cabrinha began picking up speed, blazing down the wave, its break was catching up from behind fast. People watching on the shore started cheering and yelling "Go, Go Pete", as he blazed across the wave, trying to stay ahead of the white water. He rode out some bumps but never lost his balance and finished his ride intact. Upon reaching calmer water outside the reef, his pal Rush Randle told him, that it was the largest wave he'd ever seen. After pictures of Cabrinha's ride had been analyzed, Randle's assertion was right. The wave measured 70 ft.! Yep, seventy (70') - the highest wave ever surfed and recorded. Go Pete Cabrinha - yea!

Many surfers don't believe that record will hold. In 2001, Billabong, an Australian surf-wear company, set up the Billabong Odyssey, a fund for surfers to travel anywhere on the planet, in pursuit of a 100-ft. wave. Billabong will award $250,000 to the first surfer who successfully rides one (uhmm, 1/4 million ain't what it used to be Billabong - 100' waves - you're kidding me??).

The perfect storm out at sea, traveling faster over 40 mph. and breaking with such a force that it could be heard miles back from the beach, a 100' wave would certainly kill anyone who fell off while riding it. Billabong claims to have 64 volunteers on its list ready to go for it. Still want to take a ride on the big waves? Billabong is your hook-up!

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