Thursday, December 20, 2007

Photo Shoot - The Rain Forest

Preparing Your Equipment

" If you decide to come to Costa Rica, a few preparations with your equipment will save you from possible problems during your trip. First, clean everything well. Second, spray your camera bags with a water sealer to repel water. (Not necessary with a Billingham camera bag.) Third, stock up on silica gel packets and place them liberally throughout your camera bags, in every pocket. Fourth, buy two cheap throwaway ponchos and pack them in an outside pocket of your camera bag so you can access them quickly to cover yourself and your equipment if you get caught in a rain shower. Fifth, pack a few ziploc bags of various sizes. You never know when they might come in handy. Sixth, bring batteries from home to avoid the high prices here in Costa Rica. Seventh, you might consider bringing a small hairdryer to dry off your equipment in the evening. Finally, carry on all photo gear (as possible with today's restrictions) to avoid any problems with your check-through luggage."

For a more comprehensive checklist of gear and preparations - see Deep Green Photography for more invaluable information!

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